Growth groups
Amplified Young Adults
Monthly Leaders: Pastor Rob & Gina Stoppiello Celebrate Recovery
Monthly Leaders: Pastor Rob & Gina Stoppiello The Fraternity
Monthly Leader: Pastor Joe Cancelliere & Pastor Rob Stoppiello Drama Team
Seasonal Leader: Pastor Rob Stoppiello Outdoorsmen Group
Seasonal Leader: Mike West |
Prophetic Prayer
Monthly Leaders: Pastor Rob & Gina Stoppiello Forever Young (55+)
Monthly Leaders: Pastor Joe & Pam Cancelliere Kamikaze Kids
Monthly Leaders: Lukas Antico Urban Evangelism
Seasonal Leader: Pastor Joe Cancelliere Rec Room (18+)
Monthly Leader: Tasean Thorne |
Children's Ministry
Available Every Service Leaders: Various The Sorority
Monthly Leaders: Gina Stoppiello & Pam Cancelliere Generation Next (MS/HS Youth)
Every other Friday Leader(s): Mario Arroyo, Christoph Doumbouya, Lukas Antico & Tasean Thorne Leadership Class
Monthly Leader: Pastor Joe Cancelliere |